Last night I started crafting a setting for Eldritch Adventures. A lot of gamers like fluff and buy material based on the fluff. Right now, EA is all crunch.
So I brainstormed with the help of a random generator from Seventh Sanctum ( I randomly generated things, keeping track of those that struck a chord in my mind. I had a basic idea for what I wanted. Seven realms, 6 in the northern section of the continent, with an elven forest. Bordered on the east by sea, the north by tundra, the west by steppes and desert, and the south by dwarven mountains. South of the mountains, is another realm. More of a collection of city-states than a unified realm.
Armed with some names and a general idea, I began a timeline. The timeline consisted of mainly very rough highlights. Countries founded, countries lost. The six realms of the north are the Iron Caliphate in the Iron Desert, Aleraen, Toszacne, Lenbae, Ptossant, and Cendart. The city-state region is known as the City-States of Racaria. I also decided on general terms for a couple of the regions. Aleraen and Cendart comprise the Low Country, while Lenbae, Toszacne, and Ptossant are the Marches. Racaria of course is the region south of the mountains. The mountains themselves are the Dwarfhame Mountains. The elven forest as yet has no name. It borders Ptossant and the eastern sea. Cendart and a small portion of Ptossant border the sea.Racaria is bordered on the east and south by the sea and the north and west by the Dwarfhame Mountains.
I’m undecided what lies beyond the Iron Desert, with the exception of that being the homeland of the scale-kin. Far to the east, over the sea lies another continent. This one home to two previous empires. Empire of the Sigil and Empire of the Viridian Ring. Sigil rose and Sigil fell after 1500 years. A thousand years later Viridian Ring rises. This lasts 2500 years, until it is destroyed by an apocalyptic horde of undead. Refugees from the Empire cross the sea and settle Racaria. The six Northern kingdoms are settled from Racaria.
As I progressed through my brainstorming, I came up with some personalities. From an innkeeper with a hidden past, to a thousand year old wizard shrouded in mystery, to the gruff leader of an organization tasked with hunting down fugitives from justice. They mostly have colorful names, Chastity Sunrise, Solitaire Blood, Warden Darkrose. Of course, I needed to come up with some organizations in support of a couple of the people. The Wardens. The Ironguard.
I’ve also named a few of the larger city-states in Racaria; Elrasc, Glory, Adoharr, Linadans, and Hegian. There are also the Guild cities, a loose republic which sits on the Racarian side of the Dwarfhame, and controls most of the trade between Racaria and the six kingdoms. With each country also comes coins.
This is a good start to the world. My next steps are to create a map, flesh out the countries and cities and cultures of each, and provide places for adventures.