Site icon Arkayn Game Designs


I’ve been participating in Johnn Four’s Game Author’s Bootcamp ( and decided on the Libram Planetarum. This will be a lightweight product detailing a number of connected worlds in a sector of space. Currently I am planning on one Libram per current empire in the Via Astrum/Astra Imperia universe.

This leads into the other vague, nebulous idea I have for a product/line. A version of an Encyclopedia Galactica. The overall idea is a zero-crunch product that is geared towards the VA/AI universe, but can be used in any game system. The product would contain political entities (empires), alien races, star ship classes, famous people (current and historical), alien critters, alien plants, and worlds. This project is way down the road though.

A note about the Bootcamp: registrations are closed at the moment. You can sign up to be alerted when they reopen.

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