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Astra Imperia v24.1: Enhanced Gameplay and New Mechanics

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Astra Imperia has been updated to version 24.1. Full changes are listed below. The updated version is available at DriveThruRPG.

Read more: Astra Imperia v24.1: Enhanced Gameplay and New Mechanics


  1. Added more about admiral ranks in chapter 2.
  2. Added same to Chapter 32.
  3. Added explicit roll type (percentile) to Surrender checks.
  4. Fixed Rad Zone effects to remove references to DAT.
  5. Changed tumble recovery to d10.
  6. Fixed to hit modifier for exceeding compensation rating.
  7. Changed Combat Roll LOC chance to d10 from d100.
  8. Changed HST LOC to d10 from d100.
  9. Added Fore, Aft, and Broadside turrets (180 degree arcs).
  10. Added chances to divert for missile guidance.
  11. Removed note of ballistic weapons requiring ammo and magazines.
  12. Added Heavy Turreted mounts.
  13. Added Autofire requiring to hits for each shot.
  14. Added order of application to weapon mods for weight.
  15. Removed extra EM/Th/K reference in Plasma missiles.
  16. Removed EM damage reference in Gravitic warhead secondary effects.
  17. Removed extra reference to armor and shields being a hull percentage from ship construction chapter.
  18. Removed Kinetic column from Armor table.
  19. Increased fighter weapon range to 16.
  20. Removed Assault Shuttles from the Fighter Engine restriction


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