Libram Planetarum

The Libram Planetarum series will begin with the Obsidian Blade Clanworlds. Originally depicted in Astra Imperia as a single world collection of cutthroats and scalawags, the Obsidian Blade has organized into clans, with most of the clans having a world (or worlds) to call their own. Libram Planetarum: Obsidian Blade focusses on the worlds of […]

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I’ve been participating in Johnn Four’s Game Author’s Bootcamp ( and decided on the Libram Planetarum. This will be a lightweight product detailing a number of connected worlds in a sector of space. Currently I am planning on one Libram per current empire in the Via Astrum/Astra Imperia universe. This leads into the other vague, nebulous idea I have […]

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Via Astrum

Yay for non-blogging hiatuses. Lots of things going on. New full time job (yay!) with a new full time job commute (boo!). Anyway, on to the good stuff. I’ll be at Nuke-Con this coming weekend (Oct 4-6) in Omaha Nebraska. I’ll be running three sessions of Via Astrum while I am there. So if you are […]

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Astra Imperia Aide Update

Due to some feedback, I have slightly modified the logging and database locations for the program. Prior, they were stored under subdirectories in the install directory. This requires admin rights to write to the logs and the database. In a database intensive application, that might get annoying. So now logs and the database are stored in […]

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AI Aide update

A small update on the AI Aide project… The program allows the user to create and save a race to the database and to create a game. There is a small bug in the code that allows you to select an existing race as the race to be used for a new game. The database […]

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Eldritch Adventures Setting

Last night I started crafting a setting for Eldritch Adventures. A lot of gamers like fluff and buy material based on the fluff. Right now, EA is all crunch. So I brainstormed with the help of a random generator from Seventh Sanctum ( I randomly generated things, keeping track of those that struck a chord […]

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Astra Imperia Aide

I’ve recently begun working on a computerized play aid for Astra Imperia. This will relieve some of the book work by computerizing it. As a program of this nature is complex and I’ve only just started, there is no determined delivery date. Over on the Aurora forums, I have posted a couple screen shots of what I […]

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Via Astrum

Via Astrum. RPG set in space. Well, set in the universe of Astra Imperia. A lot is done on this one. Stuff left is some random event charts in character creation, a Xeno chapter for the space critters, and some universe fluff. The system itself has remained remarkably stable over the development. I’m not sure […]

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Eldritch Adventures

While discussing the weapons in EA with a couple friends, it came up that overall the morning star is the best weapon on a speed vs. damage rate. A bit of background. Combat in EA is not like most rpgs. Initiative is continuous, meaning you roll for your next slot as soon as you finish your […]

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