What’s New in Eldritch Adventures Version 28.6?
Eldritch Adventures has been updated to version v28.6. Numerous changes are in this file from the v27 version. A full listing of the changes is included below. The newest file is available on DrivethruRPG.
Version 28
- Capped starting skills to Journeyman.
- Balanced racial stats sum to zero.
- Increased the skill bonuses per rank.
- Minor editing and typography changes.
- Added Aether Trap spell.
- Increased the DV.
- Increase Coda of Fury
- Reduced Init costs of combat abilities.
- Reduced mana costs for Imbue attacks.
- Added Mana Infusion ability to increase mana.
- Changed Defense ability to +AGL instead of +10.
- Limited Defense ability to be taken 5x.
- Changed Ability cost to 10 from 15.
Version 28.1
- Added Failure result to Aid skills.
- Changed Imbue Strike mana costs.
- Added a skill roll bump to Inspiration.
- Changed starting spell count to casting stat from ½ casting stat.
- Reformatting Spells by Domain list.
- Moved Aetheric Lore to Master where it belongs.
- Added Familiar table to the Ability.
- Changed all Summon Familiar to Enhance Familiar and moved appropriately.
- Changed Standard of Living to Economic Status
- Changed Martial economic status to Median.
- Removed Initiative Mastery 1 & 2.
- Added Wizard and Deific Caster tradeoffs.
- Changed Focus ability from 5 points to WIL points.
- Changed starting Bardic Chants to PRS from PRS/2
- Added Armored Caster Ability.
- Changed Arcane Focus, etc. to Emphasis.
- Added to a couple of backgrounds.
- Changed Haste to halve movement costs.
- Clarified some aspects of bardic chant maintenance.
- Changed how casters know/learn spells.
- Changed Bracing rules.
- Changed up movement.
- Changed Stealth
- Reworked deities.
Version 28.2
- Added required materials to Intro section.
- Added some backgrounds.
- Added Literacy to some backgrounds.
- Added totemic spells to spiritualists.
- Fixed wording in Fighting Style (Finesse)
- Added Trap Detection ability.
- Codified critical failures.
- Changed definition of “skill”.
- Added teaching skill.
- Codified a section on advancement with learning spells.
- Added some clarification to shape shifting spells.
- Added teaching to Totems.
- Changed Dodge to SPD from 10.
- Changed lifestyle increment from daily to weekly.
- Removed City-Dweller, Country-Born, and Wild Upbringing Abilities.
- Added bonus to lower lifestyles for bargaining.
- Added caveat to *Wave spells that each must be learned separately.
- Changed increment for training times to 1 day per 5xp.
- Set base task for chases to Easy.
- Finished magic item traits.
- Removed Abilities traits based on.
- Removed Trap abilities
- Added Appendix A.12 Traps.
- Fixed falling damage inconsistencies between flying section and falling section.
- Decreased the reforging xp cost by 10x.
- Changed bardic chant maintenance to Bardic Echoes.
- Began adding ability blurbs to bestiary entries.
- Fixed Consolidated Ability table for multiple entries and removed obsolete entries.
- Changed Healer and Focused Healing to Magic Abilities from Combat.
Version 28.3
- Dodge limited to 120 DV max.
- Added clause for failed spell learning.
- Fixed alchemy/poison/herbal table formatting.
- Added a default range to bardic chants.
- Clarified bardic echoes to match intent.
- Redefined Light weapons to melee weapons speed 6 or lower.
- Added Charmed combat state.
- Added Clerk background.
- Modified Banish spell to banish.
- Added Hungover state.
- Expanded the “Sample addictions” to include inebriation and addiction.
- Added Analyze Item spell to Aether.
- Added Clot (Sanguine) spell to Body.
- Added Blood to Ichor (Sanguine) spell to Death.
- Added Toxin Susceptibility spell to Death.
- Added Hydrate spell to Water.
- Added Oxygenate spell to Air.
- Added Blood Blade (Sanguine) to Body.
- Added Whip weapon.
- Added Whip combat skill.
- Removed Exotic weapon combat skill.
- Changed Spiked Chain to Whip skill.
- Added arbalest.
- Added heavy darts.
- Added Dart sling.
Version 28.4
- Added a couple backgrounds.
- Added Gralloch skill.
- Moved Hunting/Fishing to Outdoor skills.
- Added Centaur Shaman.
- Removed “n/a” entries from the creature codex.
- Through Centipede, Giant complete.
- Added Gralloch skill to some backgrounds.
- Changed Point Blank to hit modifier.
- Changed Point Blank Shot ability.
- Changed Grapple requirements
- Changed headbutt requirements.
- Removed Tactics as an ability.
- Added Tactics as a skill.
Version 28.5
- Added Gralloch to Peasant/Serf.
- Added Warrior Priest background.
- Added a restriction to Performance for Bardic Magic to include an audible component.
- Doubled the mana cost of Bardic Chants
Version 28.6
- Increased DV
- Increased creature health
- Changed # of images on Aetherial Images to SCS + 1d4
- Changed AV of Aetherial Shield to SCS/2(u).
- Changed AV of Aetherial Armor to SCS spell AV and SCS/2(u) Physical AV.
- Added specific resistance levels to spell descriptions
- Aetheric Drain changed to 1d4 + SCS mana drain.
- Changed number of targets on Arc to SCS from 4.
- Changed Arcane Ward to SCS x 2 AV.
- Changed Aetherial Barrier to SCS AV and SCS x 3 Durability.
- Changed Area Ward to SCS AV.
- Changed Aetheric Lore bonus to SCS x 3.
- Changed Arcane Mark and Arcane Summon to use SCS.
- Changed Armadillo Ward to SCS/2 AV.
- Avatar of War changed to use SCS
- Changed Bane to use SCS.
- Changed Blur to use SCS.
- Changed Boon spells to use SCS.
- Changed Calm to use SCS.
- Changed Calm Animal to use SCS.
- Added Epicurean Bliss spell.
- Completed spell updates to SCS
- Some wall spells have a negative to attack through them.
- Added Mythic item powers.