Eldritch Adventures Changelog
Version 26
- Added Rural/Town/City costs to weapons and armor
- Finished out costs on the gear.
- Added some additional gear
- Modified prices up through furniture.
- Finished Pricing
- Added Inheritance Background Ability (2x start cash).
- Updated kits to reflect new prices
- Updated starting cash by ~ 1.5x so all economic statuses can afford at least 1 kit.
- Changed Passive Perception to 5x PER + 25.
- Changed up Alchemy rules.
- Added herbalism to replace former alchemy.
- Removed Brew Potion ability (now Alchemy).
- Expanded poison crafting rules.
- Removed herb section of equipment.
- Expanded trade goods.
- Reduced casting speeds by 80%.
- Added Cold damage type.
- Cleaned up Matrix rules.
- Changed per round loss of Morale to Stress.
- Added events to regain Stress/Morale.
- Changed Morale to STA + WIL.
- Changed Stress to Morale x 2.
- Added clarification on slow ranged weapons and initiatives.
- Added point blank shot to hit bonus and damage bonus.
- Changed Point Blank Shot to remove negative mods and reaction shot.
- Removed Point Blank Shot 2-4.
- Verified stats of Goblins to Caiman. Mana and Resistances still need verification.
- All creatures have stats in the master spreadsheet.
- Changed rounds to 10 init counts from 12.
- Added stats up through Frost Wyrms.
- Added a clarification to Combat Reflexes and Init Mastery on precedence.
- Moved Basilisk, Cockatrice, Gargoyle, Gorgon, Sphinx, and Werekind to Supernatural creatures.
- Added stats up through Aqrabuamelu.
- Moved Herd animals under Natural animals.
- Modified spell damages down one die step in most cases.
- Changed Stress/Morale to be based on the combat and applied post-combat.
- Stress derived stat is the maximum Stress that may be applied to a character.
- Removed Stress/Morale as a rank up increase. Now gained once.
- Added Inspired Leader Ability.
- Changed Fiend’s Aura to Minor Aura.
- Changed Resistances to 100 – calculated value.
- Added Breath Weapon Speed.
- Changed up critical hits to be Max + mods + roll + mods. Crits are also Heavy attacks and penetrate additional AV.
- Added Brave and Cowardly Abilities.
- Reverted Resistances to previous.
- Changed Resistance checks to 1d100 + Resistance vs. TN.
- Added explicit Resistance checks to spells based on the caster’s rank.
- Changed Stat rolls to x3 from x5.
- Changed spell learning to be a straight value rather than a roll.
- Removed Disarm/Detect from the Abilities list.
- Added Traps skill to underworld
- Began work on Appendix P
- 1/19/2020 – Added Brigandine armor.
- Fleshed out the crafting skills.
- Added negative skill modifiers to DoT/ongoing damage effects.
- Added a section to chapter 7 for ranged RoF.
- Changed crossbow speed up by 50%
- Increased all RoF to a minimum of 1.
- Added a skill roll to spell matrix use.
- Creature stats verified (again) through Rephaim.
- Added hirelings to services.
- Added hirelings to a couple of kits.
- 4/27/2020 – Changed some language names.
- Changed PRS 9 bonus for stealth from 5% per 500 to 1% per 500.
- Fixed a typo in the Reaction section.
- Changed “heal check” in the Chirurgery skill description to “chirurgery check”
- Changed Loyalty morale gains
- Fixed errant reference to rounds being 12 init counts
- Alchemy revamped
- Herbalism and Poison craft make 0-2 potions now.
- Added Lower Planar Fear
- Added Higher Planar Awe
- Changed Undead Fear to be based on the rank of the creature
- Added Dragon Fear based on dragon age.
- Added fear to appropriate templates
- Creature Codex verified in spreadsheet completely.
- 4/29/2020 Added tactics to all creatures in the Codex through Boars.
- Changed some formatting and codified special sections in the codex.
- Added a delay to Undead Fear on success.
- Rearranged creature codex
- Added 214 new entries to the Creature codex
- Added PC races to the creature codex.
- Added weapon expertise/improved weapon expertise/master weapon expertise for natural weapons.
- Added Incorporeal Undead, Void, Elemental templates.
- Removed orc from player races.
- Changed dwarves to mountain dwarves
- Added hill dwarves and deep dwarves.
- Added Koatl, human/scale-kin hybrid.
- All player races are Medium now.
- Added Nightkin undead
- Added Vampyric Hound.
- Added Blight template.
- Removed Modifiers by Stat
- Changed attack mechanic to d100 + TH vs. DV.
- Added point arrows
- Added Follower background ability
- Changed Master Weapon Expertise to +10 to hit from +25
- Changed Stone Heritage weapon bonus to +10 from +25.
- Changed Weapon Expertise to +10 to hit from +25.
- Added domain rules
- Added settlements to domain rules
- Added merchants to domain rules
- Added a few new outfittings
- Modified wages for unskilled/skilled hirelings.
- Added pursuit rules
- Added some spells
- Added legal system
- Added weights to some goods.
- Added vibratory sense and echolocation racial abilities.
- Added summon void spawn line of spells (minor, normal, major)
- Added major, minor, and normal Void Spawn creatures.
- Completed some work on creatures.
- Removed Modifiers by Stat
- Added weapon skills
- Removed a number of Abilities.
- Changed combat to d100 + weapon skill.
- Removed martial and common designations.
- Exotic weapons require Weapon Use Exotic.
- Added a couple spells
- Modified blade spells to grant necessary skill.
- Added skills to creatures up to Wyrms
- All creatures have stat block framework added.
- Added Fast Draw skills.
- Began adding languages to creatures.
- Added skills to the main descriptions of the cultures.
- Fixed a couple skill references in cultures.
- Reduced XP awards and costs to 10%
- Added some herbalism and poison crafting recipes.
- Removed top tier of full craft bonus.
- Incorporated poisons from combat chapter into poison recipes.
- Updated creature index by archetype to contain all creatures.
- Removed archetypes (classes).
- Fixed abilities referencing archetypes.
- Removed archetype chapter.
- Added Tusk-kin player race (goblin, hobgoblin, orc).
- Added Yanuk (human/tusk-kin hybrid).
- Moved starting equipment to Race chapter.
- Added Stealth Ability
- Reduced Magical Aptitude to +10 from +25
- Ability master table synced with ability text entries.
- Added 4 “wave” spells.
- Modified the treasure tables slightly to combine staves & wands into matrices.
- Added a section for randomly determining a scroll.
- Added a section for randomly determining a matrix.
- Added summon familiar spells for Apprentice, Journeyman, Master, and Grandmaster.
- Added Steady ability (+2x WIL to Stress)
- Moved Arcane, Divine, and Spiritual Affinity to Magic.
- Removed Athletic Bonus
- Changed Arcane Affinity to Arcane Focus. Changed to +10 skill and +10 mana. May be taken three times.
- Changed Divine Affinity to Divine Focus. Changed to +10 skill and +10 mana. May be taken three times.
- Changed Spiritual Affinity to Spiritual Focus. Changed to +10 skill and +10 mana. May be taken three times.
- Changed Blood Focus to +10 skill. May be taken three times.
- Changed Runic Focus to +10 skill. May be taken three times.
- Added a number of templates.
- Changed rank in creature codex to Tier.
- Changed arrow names to bodkin, broadhead, and field point.
- Revamped Alchemy, Herbalism, and Poison crafting.
Version 23
- Fixed typo in Terms section.
- Removed Racial Abilities
- Added a section in the Combat chapter for Initiative.
- Reworked initiative to be a single flow.
- Changed wording on Initiative Mastery I & II
- Changed surprise.
- Changed skills and combat from d20 to d100.
- Modified magic system (again) to Dominion/Power.
- Added to skill descriptions.
- Changed Physical resistance to Poison/Disease.
- Added Elemental resistance.
- Changed Mental resistance to avg INT+WIL.
- Changed skills from levels to discrete categories with fixed costs.
- Minor corrections in text based on above changes.
- Changed Impossible TN from 125 to 120.
- Completed spell list by domain
- Begun Spell descriptions
- Fire Spell List alphabetized
- Descriptions through Apparition Shroud complete
- Spell durations linked to power levels
- Rework weapon damage and speeds
- Changed init stats to average of SPD + PER
- Brought class level abilities in line with new scale.
- Added Ritual skills for casting spells into matrices.
- Changed Expertise skills for combat casting.
- Added time rules for matrix construction.
- Added an example of matrix construction.
- Added alphabetical spell list grouped by power.
- Alphabetized spells in list by dominion.
- Spell descriptions through aspect of the viper complete.
- Removed levels.
- Added a scheme for buying advances (specializations, spec advances, skills) with xp.
- Removed ER/GER
- Changed wording in specializations to reflect removal of levels.
- Changed human to gain 1 skill at novice instead of +1 skill point.
- Removed weapon speed.
- Spell descriptions through False Visage complete.
- Removed some outdated blocks of text (character creation example).
- Moved work to a Word doc from Publisher.
- Spell descriptions through Major Chill Aura complete.
- Removed some Abilities
- Fixed Enchanting to line with the current magic system.
- Added Stat mods to archetypes.
- Added Precise Strike to Operative
- Added halved movement while stealthed.
- Changed off-hand weapon attacks slightly.
- Added “Dying” to Incapacitated title.
- Added 2x STR damage to self bow description.
- Added Light Weapons (d4 damage)
- Fixed Aura of Healing to 1d8 + 2x STA
- Fixed Aura of Purification to 1d8 + 2x STA
- Fixed Major Aura of Healing to 1d8 + 8 x STA
- Fixed Major Aura of Purification to 1d8 + 4x STA
- Spell descriptions through Nature Lore finished.
- Added cultures for “official” setting.
- Added Standard of Living
- Changed starting funds to reflect standard of living.
- Reworked a bit of the magic items.
- Fixed charging damage
- Changed attack roll to be a Difficult task (70%) and only the attacker rolls.
- Renamed Poison/Disease Resistance back to Physical Resistance
- Changed shields to provide defense rather than armor.
- Changed Tabula Rasa to a Grandmaster level spell.
- Finished spell descriptions.
- Removed references to Armor Use abilities in the Archetypes.
- Changed Survival Bonus ability to Outdoor skills.
- Changed archetype tables to have uniform bonuses. Bonuses are now all added per rank rather than a mix of per rank and supersede.
- Changed size based DV modifiers
- Added a Deafened state
- Created a list of creatures by rank and by archetype
- Created an alphabetical list of creatures.
- Added Acid, Disease, Fire, Holy, Lightning, Poison, Sonic, and Unholy damage types.
- Added Armor Use (Medium/Heavy/Shield) abilities back.
- Re-added Armor Use abilities to archetypes.
- Added Renewal line of spells to Body dominion (Minor/Normal/Major)
- Added Appendix N – Inspirational Sources.
Changed stat bonuses to cumulative.
Added a clause to Eye Gouge for using dust or powder to cause the blindness.
Fixed type in Reaction using Perception instead of Personality.
Added a STA cost to Permanency.
Fixed typo in Impossible level of Reassemble.
Fixed Control/Repudiate Undead target numbers
Fixed typo in Skeleton description
Added stat blocks for Rephaim to Revenants.
Added stat blocks up through Snow bears.
Added Appendix X – Useful Calculations.
Removed mitigation references in Templates and changed to AV.