
Over the next few days, I’ll be posting some character write ups in Eldritch Adventures and Via Astrum. The first two characters will be for Eldritch Adventures and are characters of mine originally in D&D. The first is Farsi Demotaka, a kensai; and the second is Arthur, a mage forced to hide his talents due […]

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Eldritch Adventures Setting

Last night I started crafting a setting for Eldritch Adventures. A lot of gamers like fluff and buy material based on the fluff. Right now, EA is all crunch. So I brainstormed with the help of a random generator from Seventh Sanctum ( I randomly generated things, keeping track of those that struck a chord […]

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Eldritch Adventures

While discussing the weapons in EA with a couple friends, it came up that overall the morning star is the best weapon on a speed vs. damage rate. A bit of background. Combat in EA is not like most rpgs. Initiative is continuous, meaning you roll for your next slot as soon as you finish your […]

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