Delving into Writing

I know, it seems a bit odd. But in this case, I have turned to writing fiction. I originally started the story as a NaNoWriMo project. But I felt I had written myself into a corner I didn’t know how to get out of. So the project got shelved for a long time. Recently, I […]

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I’ve been participating in Johnn Four’s Game Author’s Bootcamp ( and decided on the Libram Planetarum. This will be a lightweight product detailing a number of connected worlds in a sector of space. Currently I am planning on one Libram per current empire in the Via Astrum/Astra Imperia universe. This leads into the other vague, nebulous idea I have […]

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Astra Imperia Aide

I’ve recently begun working on a computerized play aid for Astra Imperia. This will relieve some of the book work by computerizing it. As a program of this nature is complex and I’ve only just started, there is no determined delivery date. Over on the Aurora forums, I have posted a couple screen shots of what I […]

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