Eldritch Adventures now on DTRPG.com
I have put up the current file for Eldritch Adventures on DriveThruRPG.com. It is priced at $1 for now. Once the playtest period is complete, the price will be raised to it’s release price, which has not yet been determined.
Eldritch Adventures is a fantasy role-playing game. The game allows you to create the character you want, by letting you customize your skills, talents, and abilities. Each character has one to three archetypes. These provide a base for the player to build their character on. There are no demarcations between a divine caster and an arcane caster. Either caster can heal or throw a fireball. Non caster archetypes include melee, ranged, operative, and scout. With each character having up to three archetypes, any combination is possible.
It is fantasy, your way.