Astra Imperia Playtest v23
After a long while, the next iteration of the Astra Imperia playtest has been released.
Some highlights include a simplified combat. No longer percentile, each weapon is a simple d10 roll. So grab a handful of d10’s and start blasting away at the enemy. Minerals have been modified slightly also to remove some of the complexity. The tech tree has been revamped as well. Ammo for kinetics were added, and removed. Synthetic lifeforms have been added. Homeworld options such as biomes have been added. EM, Thermal, and Kinetic damages have been removed for simplicity. The full list of changes is below.
- Added Kinetic Weapon Ammunition tech line (off of military science I).
- Kinetic Weapon Ammo (KWA) requires magazines.
- KWA entry added for planetary industry and ship yards.
- Clarified indirect projectile HTK.
- Added CI modifier for occupation.
- Changed Alliance from 126+ RSS to 126-150 RSS.
- Added Unification at 151+ RSS.
- Added a clarifying statement in Conquered World paragraph.
- Implemented Revised Technology.
- Added Ansible technology
- Added Ansible facility
- Added Ansible espionage actions.
- Added section for identifying primitive and industrial populations.
- Added “canonical” random percentages to determine research field.
- Changed internal damage rolls to one roll for 10 points of damage.
- Changed innate radiators to hull/250.
- Added a bit to SCR for pre-industrial civilizations.
- Changed weapon classes slightly. All similar types share the same to-hit numbers now.
- Reorganized weapon chapters to conform to the new groupings.
- Removed modification entries from the individual weapon chapters.
- Added secondary power plants.
- Reduced size of power plants.
- Added HTK to power plants.
- Changed some Energy tech levels to remove explicit “enhanced fusion” type entries to “enhanced” and “fusion” being separate entries. This resulted in 2 levels of no tech gain.
- Added HQ units to TL 2 and TL 3 civs.
- Rearranged survey levels. 3 is now asteroids/moons, 4 is atmospheric conditions, 5 is temperature/hydrosphere. Levels 0-2 and 6 & 7 are unchanged.
- Added chemical and biological warheads for bombardments only.
- Changed the LP cost on warheads slightly.
- Swapped Warp and Grav warheads.
- Added secondary effects to Fission, Fusion, Plasma, and Grav warheads.
- Added game setup to Strategic rules chapter.
- Added FTL styles to Strategic rules chapter.
- Added political treaties.
- Added 1 DCC as an automatic add to all ships.
- Added heat to energy based indirect fire weapons.
- Changed PD heat to 20 points of energy per heat
- Added loss of control to a combat roll.
- Added tonnage to small craft for ramming.
- Changed no sensor range from 2 hexes to 8 hexes.
- Removed dual mounts in favor of Multibarrel weapon mod (2-5).
- Added Prox Fuses to all IEW.
- Added a specific limit to weapon range based on sensor detection range.
- Changed shard lance to be 10% current structure.
- Specifically disallowed ammunition types for shard projectors.
- Added Impact % to shields. This is a percentage of kinetic damage that will automatically penetrate shields.
- Changed the Shield Penetration weapon mod to add 10% to the Impact%.
- Changed Missile penetration aids to add 5% to the Impact%.
- Changed Missile penetration aids to not stack.
- Added Empire Origins
- Added End of Turn Bookkeeping phase to Strategic turns.
- Added Food requirement for population upkeep
- Added Consumer Goods requirement for population upkeep
- Added upkeep cost for facilities
- Added Synthetic race
- Added homeworld Biomes
- Added homeworld sizes
- Added homeworld minerals
- Added a number of advantages and disadvantages
- Added Relic worlds, Shattered worlds, and Machine worlds.
- Added Synthetic Technology line.
- Added Synthetic racial advantages.
- Reduced the amount of HP on Defence Installations.
- Added a new non-player race.
- Added Blow Through, reducing the amount of damage highly damaged ships sustain.
- Added a bit about not having lock on to double the effective range.
- Changed power plant HTK to set values rather than based on the hull percentage.
- Changed damage application to 1x HTK = disabled, 2x HTK = damaged, and 3x HTK = destroyed.
- Added a couple of traits.
- Changed KW ammo to cp instead of tons.
- Added Increased Channel sensor mod.
- Added EM/Thermal damage degradation due to atmosphere.
- Standardized small craft to tons from bay points
- Increased ship construction rates.
- Changed ammo and missiles to tons from CP
- Added ability to change governments
- Removed EM/Thermal/Kinetic damage types
- Reduced weapon HP
- Increased weapon tonnage
- Removed ammo from mass cannon, gauss cannon, and hvc
- Added flak mode to above.
- Increased rocket pod HP
- Decreased all missile launcher tonnages
- Changed shields to deflectors
- Removed reactive armor
- Changed shield and armor from 10% hull to a tonnage
- Allowed for stacking of armor.
- Removed Thermal bands shield mod
- Removed shield reflection mod
- Removed kinetic & thermal plating armor mods
- Removed section on secondary power plant
- Changed power plants from hull% to tons
- Increased FTL drive tons
- Changed FTL jump delay
- Changed To hits to d10 rather than d100
- Changed missile pen aids and weapon shield penetrator mod to reflect this.
- Changed IEW to Energy Missiles
- Changed IKW to Missiles
- Changed DKW to Ballistic weapons
- Changed DEW to Energy weapons
- Changed Heavy Metals to Alloys
- Changed Ornamentals to Rare Earths
- Changed Abundance to 2d10 roll
- Modified tech research slightly.
- Changed None Technology to n/a RP required.
- Extended PD range to 10 hexes
- Swapped good rolls to high rolls.
- Changed acquisition roll to high = good.
- Changed reactor meltdown to d10 from d100
- Put flak damage and targets in the table for the weapons
- Changed Collapse to Breach for Armor
- Explicitly denied destroyed items to be fixed by damage control.