Astra Imperia v24.1: Enhanced Gameplay and New Mechanics
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Astra Imperia has been updated to version 24.1. Full changes are listed below. The updated version is available at DriveThruRPG.
Read more: Astra Imperia v24.1: Enhanced Gameplay and New Mechanicsv24
- Added more about admiral ranks in chapter 2.
- Added same to Chapter 32.
- Added explicit roll type (percentile) to Surrender checks.
- Fixed Rad Zone effects to remove references to DAT.
- Changed tumble recovery to d10.
- Fixed to hit modifier for exceeding compensation rating.
- Changed Combat Roll LOC chance to d10 from d100.
- Changed HST LOC to d10 from d100.
- Added Fore, Aft, and Broadside turrets (180 degree arcs).
- Added chances to divert for missile guidance.
- Removed note of ballistic weapons requiring ammo and magazines.
- Added Heavy Turreted mounts.
- Added Autofire requiring to hits for each shot.
- Added order of application to weapon mods for weight.
- Removed extra EM/Th/K reference in Plasma missiles.
- Removed EM damage reference in Gravitic warhead secondary effects.
- Removed extra reference to armor and shields being a hull percentage from ship construction chapter.
- Removed Kinetic column from Armor table.
- Increased fighter weapon range to 16.
- Removed Assault Shuttles from the Fighter Engine restriction
- Defined PP as 50,000 beings
- Swapped chapter 31 and 32 ordering
- Changed some wording.
- Added ability of Diplomatic teams to increase or decrease RSS.
- Changed ship maintenance to 5%.
- Added explicit terms for timing.
- Added ability for taxes to reach -20%.
- Changed Machine and Synthetic race upkeep costs.
- Increased reactor output by 50%
- Decreased power per thrust per ton from 1000 to 2000 tons.
- Revamped reactor and engine tech lines.