Eldritch Adventures v27 Playtest Update
Eldritch Adventures has been going through a lot of playtesting in the last few months. The changelog is listed below.
Version 27
- Added Factions to Appendix A.
- Added Towns & Cities to terrain generation.
- Changed resistances to 15+ stat
- Changed ROF to occur one following init counts.
- Added Traits, an enchantment to items
- Started moving some Abilities to Traits.
- Changed starting abilities to 3 from 2.
- Changed Cowardly to +10 Resistance and +1 Step DV.
- Restricted Toughness to being taken 5 times.
- Added Half-Elf to the Racial summary table.
- Added stepping for ranged weapons.
- Fixed AV/DV typo for alternate armor casting penalty.
- Explicitly included shields in armor casting penalty
- Added reorient misc combat action.
- Removed init reroll from hold
- Fixed weapon durability
- Fixed some potentially misleading die modifiers
- Verified healing spells that may damage creatures susceptible to holy damage
- Added matrix construction to Artificing skill
- Added spell affinities to some gems.
- Updated description of scythe to be 2 handed and have reach.
- Moving into threatened areas of a reach weapon provokes reaction attack.
- Added a table to section on ranged damage to summarize.
- Duration of controlling undead established.
- Number of controlled undead established.
- Changed undead, dragon, planar fear to Fear combat state on fail.
- Added check times to fear combat state.
- Added section on summoned weapons.
- Changed battle magic ability
- Added chances to spell absorption and deflection.
- Modified starting DV.
- Added Init count to Block
- Added section on scrolls
- Added Ritual skill to matrix creation.
- Added init counts to bardic chants
- Changed Battle Magic ability to grant combat Expertise bonus.
- Added a taunt function to the Intimidate skill
- Changed some wording in Aether bolt spell.
- Changed some wording on Fire Dart spell.
- Mana decay for blood mages
- Spells all have verbal and somatic components