Eldritch Adventures v24
This is a bit late in coming, as I’ve been delving deep into v25. The biggest changes are mostly formatting changes, adding consolidated lists for skills and abilities.
A lot of abilities were removed and placed into combat actions. No longer do you need an ability to charge. Some of the TNs were lowered a bit. Specializations to hit bonus was increased. Resistances increased. Initiative modifier decreased. Continued work on the Creature Codex (renamed from Bestiary).
Here is the full change log.
- Some formatting changes.
- Added Consolidated skill list.
- Removed Weapon Use abilities except Exotic.
- Added Weapon Training for Martial, Martial-ranged, and Exotic.
- Added start of consolidated ability table.
- Added an option to buy stat advances by xp.
- Shifted some abilities from Combat to Usage
- Created Magic abilities category.
- Shifted some abilities from Combat to Magic.
- Moved some abilities to attack actions, removing the ability.
- Moved aiming to a manipulate action.
- Split called shots out of aiming.
- Decreased Trivial to Challenging TNs by 5.
- Increased all Specializations To Hit bonus by 5.
- Reworked the blank character sheet some. Included break durability, hit loc %, TN table, wound threshold, added formulae for derived stats.
- Changed trap TNs to be task levels.
- Reduced Thorny Coat/Mass Thorny Coat to 1d8 damage.
- Changed Init Mod to (SPD + PER)/4.
- Increased Resistance base to 15.
- Changed initiative to roll – Init Mod. Declare action, add appropriate init penalty, act at new action.
- Added Creating a Race specifics, using minotaur as an example.
- Changed stat check # to 10 from 7.
- Cleaned obsolete abilities from creatures.
- Added initiative tracking sheet
- Added gear, skills, and spells to undead that use them.
- Changed stat checks from d10 to d%
- Changed Passive Per to 5x Per.
- Continued work on the Codex.
- Added hybrid form to Dirus werekind.