
Over the next few days, I’ll be posting some character write ups in Eldritch Adventures and Via Astrum. The first two characters will be for Eldritch Adventures and are characters of mine originally in D&D. The first is Farsi Demotaka, a kensai; and the second is Arthur, a mage forced to hide his talents due […]

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New Year

Well, it is 2014. Couple of days in, and snow has blanketed much of the country. Enough about snow. So we all make resolutions this time of year. I’m no exception. The resolution I’ve made for this year is to dedicate more time to writing. The ultimate goal of this is to get Via Astrum, […]

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Libram Planetarum

The Libram Planetarum series will begin with the Obsidian Blade Clanworlds. Originally depicted in Astra Imperia as a single world collection of cutthroats and scalawags, the Obsidian Blade has organized into clans, with most of the clans having a world (or worlds) to call their own. Libram Planetarum: Obsidian Blade focusses on the worlds of […]

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I’ve been participating in Johnn Four’s Game Author’s Bootcamp ( and decided on the Libram Planetarum. This will be a lightweight product detailing a number of connected worlds in a sector of space. Currently I am planning on one Libram per current empire in the Via Astrum/Astra Imperia universe. This leads into the other vague, nebulous idea I have […]

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